Circular Economy and Green Finance Research Center (CEGF Center)

Circular Economy and Green Finance Research Center (CEGF Center)

Blockchain is widely used in many aspects, not only for economic transactions and financial transactions, but for government services, customer management, information security, and supply chain management. Blockchain has advantages in economic and political applications. With the advancement of technology, the characteristics of blockchain cooperation, record keeping and irrevocability of transactions are likely to be the cornerstones of the development of global society. The potential advantages of blockchain are not limited to the economic level. Its application can be extended to the fields of politics, public welfare, society and science. At present, the application of blockchain has gradually been used by some professional groups to solve real-world problems.

In industry, in addition to active investment in technology research and development, commercial applications, and financial markets in the cryptocurrency market, blockchain technology has also been widely extended to energy, medical, information and communication, policy development, and education Standards and other fields are expected to generate quite a lot of innovative applications. This center will study the development and application of blockchain in a more pragmatic way, and clarify its economic development applications, potential and limitations of blockchain.

Based on the development of courses and teaching, the center is built on the PISC model, integrates professional skills in the field of blockchain technology and professions (P), cultivates professional application talents in blockchain and AI to develop information capital (I), establish valuable contacts and money flow (S) and help students sufficient employment capacity (C).